The Human Immune System is the best doctor in the world. When the immune system is weak, we fall to illness easily and may take a long time to recover. But when the immune system is strong, we can resist illnesses without a sniffle. Now, let us take an amazing journey into the immune system…
Category: Wellness
How to avoid dry skin in winter
Fall/winter has just begun. Therefore, let me begin this article by singing a revised line from the famous Gershwin song ‘Summertime’. I sing, ‘Wintertime and the living is not easy, the leaves fall, trunks & trees are waving & the snow is high’, In the western world, we cannot avoid Winter and therefore our skin…
How to strengthen your immune system
“ Long-term use of medicine is a small dosage of poison.” According to Dr. Jau-Fei Chen’s E.Excel International Nutritional Immunology Part 1, states that “ The American Cancer Society maintains that nutrition is a major player in preventing cancer deaths”. So how could some people neglect a healthy diet when it is already proven by…