The Human Immune System is the best doctor in the world. When the immune system is weak, we fall to illness easily and may take a long time to recover. But when the immune system is strong, we can resist illnesses without a sniffle. Now, let us take an amazing journey into the immune system .
“ Good health means discipline, balance and consistency.”
My own analysis from the word “health”, when you remove “th” you see the word “heal”.
So good health heals any diseases. Good health means having a strong “Immune System”- our built-in doctor in our body.
Parts of the Immune System as explained by ImmunologistDr. Jau Fei Chen, a world-class Health advocate, a World-Renowned and award-winning scientist and the pioneer of this new research,” The Science of Nutritional Immunology”. Let’s take her words:
“Science has shown us that Humans can live at least 150 years. But why are there so many people dying at the age of 60, 70, or 80? When they can live twice as long. How would you like to add an extra 50 years to your life? Think of all the things you can achieve with 50 extra years. Impossible? Let me tell you how the science of Nutritional Immunology can make it possible.
The Human Immune System is the best doctor in the world. When the immune system is weak, we fall to illness easily and may take a long time to recover. But when the immune system is strong, we can resist illnesses without a sniffle. Now, let us take an amazing journey into the immune system .
The human immune system is not one specific organ, cell or biological substance. It cannot be found in one area of the body. Instead, the immune system is a complex collection of linked organs and cells all working together in releasing different chemicals at different times. The immune system is extremely complex but it’s so well coordinated that it cannot be copied by men or machine.
Think of the immune system as an army where different battalions come together using different weapons to fight enemies. The immune system works 24 hours a day to protect us from enemy invaders like bacteria, viruses, parasites, pollution and even our own dead cells.