“Learning the tricks makes the whole process easier to comprehend”
Beauty and fashion don’t actually cost a fortune if you know the tricks. There are ways on how to look pretty, classy, elegant and polished without affecting your budget.
Just think of this, “If you feel good, you can look good“ , but to obtain good looks, you need tips, advice and discipline.
Looking polished means to look authentic and that means “classic fashion”. A classy woman wears minimalistic ensemble and her smile is the best jewelry to accessorize her polished look. But on the other hand, confidence beats all! Now, how could you be confident if you don’t feel hygienic? It is always easier said than done. People say, “Whatever you wear, it doesn’t matter as long as you are confident!” I disagree…because the dress you wear is indeed important.
Now, would you really be confident if your hair wasn’t brushed or your teeth look dirty? Is there any confidence left when you know that you skin is not properly nourished? Let us be realistic, good grooming comes in total package but doesn’t need to be perfect for no one is….
For me, “Elegance is a state of mind”.
To become classy or elegant is not just about fashion and good grooming, there is more than that-called ‘attitude’. You must have class and virtues. When you say, “Pure class and elegance”, think of these positive connotations: finesse, cultured, civilized, refined, educated, good manners and right conduct, grace and poise and being tactful in your words.
Let me give you some advice for starters:
- Being impolite to others is not classy.
- Don’t use foul languages or vulgar words; you know what those words are. Specifically when you are in public no matter how angry you are, control your temper. Shouting, cursing and insulting will not become you –as a classy-educated one.
- Learn to apologize when you know your faults. That’s classy and more human.
- Learn to admit mistakes, do not try to deny, don’t be a liar… it will reflect on your credibility.
- Learn when and how to be humble because too much humble is pride. I know someone who often says,” come to our house with lots of holes, you know I am just poor.”But actually she has a beautiful and luxury home. She is pretending to be humble so people would say,”wow, she’s rich but very humble”. Wrong. She is actually bragging. Smart people know her tricks. You can say, “Come to our humble home” and don’t add negative words to describe your house. Let the people judge if you want them to admire your property.
- Another trick, even if you really like something at the store, if you don’t have something to pair with it, don’t buy. It will end up in the closet for many years with tag price in it. What a waste of money.
- You can create your own fashion signature, you don’t need to copy piece by piece from models and celebrities, just simply get the idea on how to mix and match, there is something like an “Ok” outfit but better go for the “perfect match”. Models and fashion icons, …it’s their job to guide us in fashion world , either you want to follow trendy or modern style, classic and the like. It depends on your choice.
- Don’t mind what others say, I often heard this, “You must have originality, create your own fashion”. Well, that’s fine…but those people are not honest. Perhaps, they think that fashion is part of their genetics and they were already born fashionista or fashion guru. We need a guide from the expert. If we create our own, we might be mistaken such as inappropriate color coding, cut and design don’t fit the occasion, quality of fabric and the like. One time, I asked somebody: “Is that how original you are? You don’t watch fashion shows or runway models in the catwalk?”
Undoubtedly, It is not bad to get ideas from the expert. It is indeed normal.
It is only when you get the whole picture that you can fully motivate or inspire yourself because oftentimes when you go shopping… a lot is hanging in the store, belts, clothes and more, but no idea how to mix en match, there is a good match but remember, there is always a perfect match…. wearing a perfect match gives you more confidence…..and being clean, shows the amount of discipline, time and effort you put into a good looks. Sounds hard? Just enjoy doing it. That’s the cheap trick to being pretty….