The Human Immune System is the best doctor in the world. When the immune system is weak, we fall to illness easily and may take a long time to recover. But when the immune system is strong, we can resist illnesses without a sniffle. Now, let us take an amazing journey into the immune system…
How to avoid dry skin in winter
Fall/winter has just begun. Therefore, let me begin this article by singing a revised line from the famous Gershwin song ‘Summertime’. I sing, ‘Wintertime and the living is not easy, the leaves fall, trunks & trees are waving & the snow is high’, In the western world, we cannot avoid Winter and therefore our skin…
Elegance is a state of mind
“Learning the tricks makes the whole process easier to comprehend” Beauty and fashion don’t actually cost a fortune if you know the tricks. There are ways on how to look pretty, classy, elegant and polished without affecting your budget. Just think of this, “If you feel good, you can look good“ , but to obtain…
How to strengthen your immune system
“ Long-term use of medicine is a small dosage of poison.” According to Dr. Jau-Fei Chen’s E.Excel International Nutritional Immunology Part 1, states that “ The American Cancer Society maintains that nutrition is a major player in preventing cancer deaths”. So how could some people neglect a healthy diet when it is already proven by…